"Notwithstanding anything in the articles of a company, it shall not be lawful for the company to register a transfer of shares in or debentures of the company unless a proper instrument of transfer has been delivered to the company:" 即使公司的章程有任何文,公司不可登公司股份或公司的,但公司已交付一份妥善的文除外
Where the transfer of shares of joint stock companies is involved, it shall be dealt with in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state. 其中涉及股份有限公司股份转让的,按照国家有关规定办理。
Article 9.Measures for the levy and collection if individual income tax on income from the transfer of shares shall be separately formulated by the Ministry of Finance and implemented upon approval by the State Council. 第九条对股票转让所得征收个人所得税的办法,由财政部另行制定,报国务院批准施行。
About 80 percent of the withdrawal is realized through the transfer of shares. Coordination Unit for Economies in Transition 80%是通过股权转让方式,转型期经济体协调股
In one month subsequent to the complete of the transfer of shares, stock exchanges and the sd& c shall not accept the application submitted by the transferee for the registration of shares transfer, unless otherwise prescribed in laws or regulations. 股份过户完成后一个月内,证券交易所和结算公司不受理同一股份受让人就其所受让的相同股份再次进行转让的申请;但法律法规等另有规定的除外。
He set over his share to his son-in-law. Where shares of stocks of a limited liability company are pledged, the relevant provisions of the Company Law governing the transfer of shares shall apply. 他将自己的股份转让给女婿。以有限责任公司的股份出质的,适用公司法股份转让的有关规定。
It shall not be permitted to include the price terms for transfer the shares into the information of the transfer of shares open to public. 向社会公开的股份转让信息内容不得包括出让股份的价格条件。
The Board shall deny acceptance for transfer of shares if the buyer does not sign and accept the Shareholders'Agreement. 董事会应当拒绝接受股份转让,如果买方不签字,并接受股东协议。
Transfer of shares of limited liability company is that the shareholders transfer their own shares to others, and it is a legal action of others made equity qualified of shareholders. 有限责任公司股权转让是股东依法将自己的股权转让给他人,使他人取得股权和股东资格的法律行为。
Transfer of shares under stock borrowing and lending transactions may be exempted from stamp duty. 根据证券借用及借出交易进行的股票转移,可豁免印花税。
There are some problems about the transfer of shares of company ltd. 《公司法》第三章就有限责任公司的股权转让所作的规定存在着一些问题。
Stock and stock setting. Dispute on the Transfer of shares 股份和股份设置。是是非非说“转让”
In the background of the special ownership structure of China, with the transfer of shares of listed companies and the resultant increase of the phenomenon of transferring and control, the control of listed companies have exposes a more and more problems gradually. 在中国特殊股权结构背景下,随着中国上市公司股权转让以及由此衍生的控制权转移现象的日渐增多,中国上市公司控制权市场也逐渐暴露出越来越多的问题。
This paper is divided into four parts: For the first part of the limited liability company's equity transfer basic theory, covering three issues: the concept and nature of the transfer of shares; 第一部分为有限责任公司股权转让的基本理论,包含三个问题:股权转让的概念和性质;
Registration for such corporations and the transfer of shares; 股份公司的注册登记和股票转让;
High criterion of Main Board and the faultiness of transfer of shares that were prevail in China made the Second Board an inevitable choice for the venture capital investors to exit their investment. 由于主板市场的高门槛和目前在中国居主流的股权转让退出渠道,使得上市条件较低的创业板成为风险投资退出的必然选择。
The old Company Law is a limited liability company to the conditions and procedures for the transfer of shares made, but rather provides a brief, clear and specific enough in the judicial practice is often caused by lack of legislative controversy and disputes. 我国旧公司法虽对有限责任公司股权转让的条件和程序做出了规定,但规定比较简略,不够明确和具体,在司法实践中常常因立法的欠缺而引发争议和纠纷。
Third, according to the characteristics of their personal attachment, we use the appropriate type of share on the equity, it is restricted appropriately in the transfer of shares. 第三,根据其人身依附性的特点在股权上采用相应的股权类型,对股份的转让作出适当的限制。
Then it selected explained variables: profitability variables, Distribution Unit ratio, transfer of shares outstanding shares of the ratio of cash flow and the right to control the separation rate. 接着又选取了拟影响被解释变量的解释变量:盈利能力变量;流通股比例;转让股权与流通股的比例;现金流权与控制权的分离率。
A limited liability company is one of the unity with people and nature, which basic premise is mutual trust between the investors. Therefore, the free transfer of shares is subjected to certain restrictions. 有限责任公司是人合性与资合性的统一,出资人之间的相互信任和依赖是其存在的基本前提,因此,股权的自由转让要受到一定的限制。
It is because of this important feature of the particularity of the transfer of shares of the limited liability company. 正是由于兼具资合性和人合性这个重要特征,决定了有限责任公司股权转让的特殊性。
In China, with transfer of shares of listed companies and the resulting transfer of control derived phenomenon of increasing control of listed companies in China market is gradually exposed more and more problems. 在我国,随着控制权转移现象的日益增多,我国上市公司的控制权市场也逐渐暴露出越来越多的问题。
The first section analyses the limitation of transfer of shares in Limited Liability Company. And then draws the function of the agreement right and preemptive right for transfer of shares. 第一节分析有限责任公司股权转让的限制问题,引出同意权和优先购买权对股权转让的限制问题。
Although the revised Company Law, before the revision of the company law and compared, on the transfer of shares of limited liability company system to make a more detailed provisions, but also easy to operate. 虽然修订后的《公司法》对和修订前公司法规定相比,对有限责任公司股权转让制度做出了更加详细的规定,也更易操作性。
Transfer of shares is a behavior that shareholders exercise the right of disposition to transfer their property. Meanwhile, it embodies the characteristic of property of limited liability company. Shareholders can take back their investment through the way of transfer of shares. 股权转让是股东对自己的财产行使处分权的行为,同时也体现了有限责任公司的资合性,即股东可以通过股权转让取回出资。
This article examines the basic theory of transfer of shares, based on the combination of the existing "Company Law", on the limited liability company in the process of share transfer of several key controversial issues of research and analysis. 本文在探讨股权转让基本理论的基础上,结合现行《公司法》,对有限责任公司股权转让过程中的几个富有争议问题进行重点研究分析。
For various reasons, transfer of shares of such companies in China lacks legal and efficient market systems and regulatory measures. Non-listed public companies which emerged in history have also been closed down as illegal the securities market. 由于各种原因这部分公司的股权转让在我国缺乏合法、有效率的市场制度和监管措施,历史上曾经出现的各种非上市股份交易市场也被当作非法证券市场关停。
Transfer system for the lack of equity, it should be perfect from the following two aspects: improving shareholder preemption system, the external transfer of shares to limit the scope of the assignee; Second, a sound objection to repurchase claim. 关于我国股权转让制度方面的缺陷,我们应该从以下两个方面入手:完善股东优先购买权制度,对股权外部转让的受让人范围作出限定;其二,健全异议回购请求权。
Transfer of shares is the most active and important way. 依法转让股权是股东行使财产权最活跃、最重要的方式。
Theory is the basis of the study. Only make a clear understanding of the concepts, we can make a unified platform. Part ⅱ discusses the lack of the limited liability company transfer of shares. 只有在理论研究中明确了相关概念才能统一认识的平台,为下一步深入研究打好基础。第二部分讨论了我国的有限责任公司股权转让的立法现状及缺陷。